

The SQL class provides a lightweight, consistent interface for accessing SQL databases in PHP. It is a superset of the php PDO class.

Namespace: \DB
File location: lib/db/sql.php


$db = new \DB\SQL ( string $dsn [, string $user = NULL [, string $pw = NULL [, array $options = NULL ]]] );

For example, to connect to a MySQL database, the syntax looks like:

$db=new \DB\SQL('mysql:host=localhost;port=3306;dbname=mysqldb','username','password');

Connecting to a SQLite database would look like:

$db=new \DB\SQL('sqlite:/path/to/db.sqlite');

The 4th parameter is an array of options you can use to set additional PDO attributes:

$options = array(
    \PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE => \PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION, // generic attribute
    \PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT => TRUE,  // we want to use persistent connections
    \PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_COMPRESS => TRUE, // MySQL-specific attribute
$db = new \DB\SQL('mysql:host=localhost;port=3306;dbname=mysqldb','username','password', $options);

Here is a list of links to DSN connection details for all currently supported engines in the SQL layer:



Return the SQL driver name

echo $db->driver(); // mysql


Return the server version

echo $db->version(); // 5.1.51


Return the database name

echo $db->name(); // mysqldb


Retrieve schema of SQL table

array|FALSE schema ( string $table [, array|string $fields = NULL [, int $ttl = 0 ]] )

This function allows you to retrieve the schema of a given SQL table.

$fields is either an array or a list (according to the F3 function split) of the names of columns to include in the returned schema. Defaulted to all fields.

When specified, $ttl will trigger a cache check for previous schema results and if not found or expired, will save the actual result to the cache backend, provided a CACHE system is activated.

Example of use:

$db->exec("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS mytable
           name varchar(128) NULL DEFAULT 'anonymous',
           birth DATE NULL
$columns = $db->schema('mytable', 'name;age'); // only interested in these 2 columns
// outputs
array (size=2) {
	'name' => array (size=5) { 
		'type' => string 'varchar(128)' (length=12)
		'pdo_type' => int 2  // \PDO::PARAM_STR
		'default' => string 'anonymous' (length=9)
		'nullable' => boolean true
		'pkey' => boolean false 
	'age' => array (size=5) {
		'type' => string 'SMALLINT UNSIGNED' (length=17)
		'pdo_type' => int 1 // \PDO::PARAM_INT
		'default' => null
		'nullable' => boolean false
		'pkey' => boolean false
MySQL Hint:
You can improve InnoDB performance on MySQL with `SET GLOBAL innodb_stats_on_metadata=0;` ! This requires SUPER privilege!


Execute a SQL command

array|int|FALSE exec ( string|array $commands [, string|array $args = NULL [, int $ttl = 0 [, bool $log=TRUE ]]] )

This method allows you to execute one or more given $commands SQL statements and returns either the resulting rows (for SELECT, CALL, EXPLAIN, PRAGMA & SHOW statements) or the number of affected rows (for INSERT, DELETE & UPDATE statements) or FALSE on failure.

When specified, $args allows you to apply specific arguments to the SQL commands.

The $ttl argument, when specified, will trigger a cache check for previous command and if not found or expired, will save the actual result to the cache backend, provided a CACHE system is activated.

The $log is a toggle switch for suppressing or enabling the log of executed commands. You can use it as a profiler as the processing time, in milliseconds, of every SQL command is logged as well.

For example, consider the following table mytable:


a SELECT statement would return an array of rows:

$rows=$db->exec('SELECT id,name FROM mytable ORDER BY id DESC');
echo count($rows); // outputs 4
foreach($rows as $row)
  echo $row['name'];
// outputs 'Averell,Jack,William,Joe,'

while an UPDATE statement would return the number of updated rows:

echo $db->exec('UPDATE mytable SET id=id+10'); // outputs 4

Parameterized queries

The exec() method's 2nd argument is there to pass arguments safely (cf. Parameterized Queries).

For example, instead of writing:

$db->exec('INSERT INTO mytable VALUES(5,\'Jim\')')

it is highly encouraged to write:

$db->exec('INSERT INTO mytable VALUES(:id,:name)',array(':id'=>5,':name'=>'Jim'))

Here's the equivalent syntax with unnamed placeholders:

$db->exec('INSERT INTO mytable VALUES(?,?)',array(5,'Jim'))

The short syntax for single placeholders looks like the following:

$db->exec('INSERT INTO mytable(name) VALUES(?)','Jim');
Prior to Fat-Free Framework 3.5.1, parameters had to be provided as 1-based arrays for unnamed placeholders. Otherwise, an Invalid parameter number error was returned. See fatfree#853 for more details. The parameters can be provided as 0-based or 1-based arrays.
$db->exec('INSERT INTO mytable VALUES(?,?)',array(1=>5,2=>'Jim'))

Query caching

The 3rd argument $ttl is used to enable query caching. Set it to your desired time-to-live in seconds and make sure you have a CACHE activated. This way you can speed up your application when processing data that does not change very frequently.

The 4th argument $log is a toggle switch for suppressing or enabling the log of executed commands. You can use it as a profiler as the processing time, in milliseconds, of every SQL command is logged as well.


Several SQL statements can be executed at once, if providing an array of statements. F3 will execute them as transaction, so if one statement fails, the whole query stack is rolled back.

Be aware that the return value refers to the last executed statement only.
    'INSERT INTO mytable VALUES(:id,:name)',
    'DELETE FROM mytable'
echo $result; // outputs 6 (deleted rows)

If you need a return value for each statement, then you have to explicitly define a transaction and use exec() for each statement (cf. below).

begin, rollback & commit

Start, abort or end a SQL transaction

// state 1: empty table
$db->exec('INSERT INTO mytable(name) VALUES(?)','Alfred');
$db->exec('INSERT INTO mytable(name) VALUES(?)','Bonnie');
// state 2: table contains 2 rows
// state 3: back to state 1
$db->exec('INSERT INTO mytable(name) VALUES(?)','Clyde');
// state 4: table contains 1 row
// state 5: changes commited
// end of transaction: only Clyde has been inserted to database


Return TRUE if a SQL transaction is currently active

if (!$db->trans())


Return the number of rows affected by the last query

$db->exec('INSERT INTO mytable(name) VALUES(?)','Alfred');
echo $db->count(); // outputs 1
$db->exec('INSERT INTO mytable(name) VALUES(?)','Bonnie');
echo $db->count(); // outputs 1
$db->exec('SELECT * FROM mytable');
echo $db->count(); // outputs 2


Return the SQL profiler results

$db->exec('INSERT INTO mytable(name) VALUES(?)','Clyde');
$db->exec('INSERT INTO mytable(name) VALUES(?)','Don');
$db->exec('INSERT INTO mytable(name) VALUES(?)','Elliott');

echo $db->log();

// outputs:
Mon, 27 Dec 2013 12:26:05 +0100 (2.0ms) INSERT INTO mytable(name) VALUES('Clyde')
Mon, 27 Dec 2013 12:26:05 +0100 (3.6ms) INSERT INTO mytable(name) VALUES('Don')
Mon, 27 Dec 2013 12:26:05 +0100 (1.3ms) INSERT INTO mytable(name) VALUES('Elliott')


Return unique connection identifier hash

string uuid ( )

This function returns the hash of the $dsn DSN passed to the __constructor


Map the data type of an argument to its reciprocal PDO constant

int type ( scalar $val )

This function allows you to retrieve the PDO constant corresponding to the php type of the provided $val as follow:

  • the NULL php type will return \PDO::PARAM_NULL
  • the boolean php type will return \PDO::PARAM_BOOL (int 5)
  • the integer php type will return \PDO::PARAM_INT (int 1)
  • and any other php type will return \PDO::PARAM_STR (int 2)


Quote string

string quote ( string $val [, int $type = \PDO::PARAM_STR ] )


Return quoted identifier name

string quotekey ( string $key )

This function quotes a table or column key name according to the requirements and syntax of the current database engine. E.g will quote page to "page" for SQLite and Oracle; while it will quote page to `page` for a MySQL based request.


Return PDO object

\PDO pdo ( )