The Base class represents the framework core. It contains everything you need to run a simple application. The file base.php
also includes the essential Cache, Prefab, View, ISO and Registry classes to reduce unnecessary disk I/O for optimal performance.
Feel free to remove all other files in the lib/
directory, if all you need are the basic features provided by this package.
Namespace: \
File location: lib/base.php
The Hive
The hive is a memory array to hold your framework variables in the form of key / value pairs. Storing a value in the hive ensures it is globaly available to all classes and methods in your application.
Bind value to hive key
mixed set ( string $key, mixed $val [, int $ttl = 0 ] )
Examples of setting framework variables:
$f3->set('a',123); // a=123, integer
$f3->set('b','c'); // b='c', string
$f3->set('c','whatever'); // c='whatever', string
$f3->set('d',TRUE); // d=TRUE, boolean
Setting arrays:
$f3->set('hash',array( 'x'=>1,'y'=>2,'z'=>3 ) );
// dot notation is also possible:
Setting object properties:
$f3->set('a',new \stdClass);
echo $f3->get('a')->hello; // world
shorter ArrayAccess Syntax, since v3.4.0
$f3->LANGUAGE = 'en';
$f3->foo = 1234;
$f3['bar'] = 'buzzword';
Caching properties
If the $ttl
parameter is > 0, and the framework cache engine is enabled, the specified variable will be cached for $ttl
seconds. Already cached vars will be updated by reusing the old expiration time.
If you need to cache vars for an infinite time, check the Cache->set method.
You can cache strings, arrays and all other types - even complete objects. get()
will load them automatically from the cache.
Examples of caching framework variables:
// cache string
$f3->set('simplevar','foo bar 1337', 3600); // cache for 1 hour
//cache big computed arrays
), 3600);
// cache objects
$f3->set('myClass1', new myClass('arg1'), 3600);
// change expire time for a single cookie var
$f3->set('', 123, 3600); // 1 hour
$f3->set('', 456, 86400); // 1 day
System variables
The framework has its own system variables. You can change them to modify a framework behaviour, for example:
$f3->set('CACHE', TRUE);
$f3->set('HALT', FALSE);
$f3->set('CASELESS', FALSE);
It is also possible to set the PHP globals through F3's COOKIE, GET, POST, REQUEST, SESSION, FILES, SERVER, ENV system variables. These 8 variables are automatically in synch with the underlying PHP globals.
Remember: Hive keys are case-sensitive.
Furthermore, root hive keys are checked for validity against these allowed chars: [ a-z A-Z 0-9 _ ]
Retrieve contents of hive key
mixed get ( string $key [, string|array $args = NULL ] )
To get the value of a previously saved framework var, use:
$f3->set('myVar','hello world');
echo $f3->get('myVar'); // outputs the string 'hello world'
$local_var = $f3->get('myVar'); // $local_var holds the string 'hello world'
If the returned value is a string containing one or more format placeholders, arguments can be passed directly after the key's name:
$f3->set('var1','Current date: {0,date} - Current time: {0,time}');
$f3->set('var2','Departure: {0,date} - Arrival: {1,date}');
echo $f3->get('var1',time());//shorthand for $f3->format($f3->get('var1'),time());
echo $f3->get('var2',array($timestamp1,$timestamp2));//shorthand for $f3->format($f3->get('var2'),$timestamp1,$timestamp2);
Accessing arrays is easy. You can also use the JS dot notation ''
, which makes it much easier to read and write.
0 => 'value_0',
1 => 'value_1',
'bar' => 123,
'foo' => 'we like candy',
'baz' => 4.56,
echo $f3->get('myarray[0]'); // value_0
echo $f3->get('myarray.1'); // value_1
echo $f3->get(''); // 123
echo $f3->get('myarray["foo"]'); // we like candy
echo $f3->get('myarray[baz]'); // 4.56, notice alternate use of single, double and no quotes
// a new ArrayAccess syntax is also possible since v3.4.0
echo $f3->myarray['foo'];
echo $f3['myarray']['baz'];
Sync PHP global variable with corresponding hive key
array sync ( string $key )
$f3->sync('SESSION'); // ensures PHP global var SESSION is the same as F3 variable SESSION
Get reference to hive key and its contents
mixed &ref ( string $key [, bool $add = true, mixed $var = null ] )
$b = &$f3->ref('name'); // $b is a reference to framework variable 'name' , not a copy
$b = 'Chuck'; // modifiying the reference updates the framework variable 'name'
echo $f3->get('name'); // Chuck
You can also add non-existent hive keys, array elements, and object properties, when 2nd argument is TRUE by default.
$new = &$f3->ref('newVar'); // creates new framework hive var 'newVar' and returns reference to it
$new = 'hello world'; // set value of php variable, also updates reference
echo $f3->get('newVar'); // hello world
$new = &$f3->ref('newObj->name');
$new = 'Sheldon';
echo $f3->get('newObj')->name; // Sheldon
echo $f3->get('newObj->name'); // Sheldon
echo $f3->get(''); // Sheldon
$a = &$f3->ref('');
$a = 'SpongeBob';
// or
$b = &$f3->ref('hero'); // variable
$b['name'] = 'SpongeBob'; // becomes array with key 'name'
$my_array = $f3->get('hero');
echo $my_array['name']; // 'SpongeBob'
If the 2nd argument $add
is false
, it just returns the read-only hive key content. This behaviour is used by get(). If the hive key does not exist, it returns NULL.
Use the 3rd argument when you want to find a reference in your own array/object instead of from the hive.
$fruitQty = ["Bananas"=>5, "Oranges"=>2, "Apples"=>42, "Mangos"=>1];
$apples = &$f3->ref("Apples", true, $fruitQty); // References $fruitQty["Apples"]
$apples = 10;
echo $fruitQty["Apples"]; // 10
This way you can also use dot notation with your own objects.
Return TRUE if the hive key is set (or return timestamp and TTL if cached)
bool exists ( string $key [, mixed &$val=NULL] )
The exists
function also checks the Cache backend storage when the key is not found in the hive. If the key is found in cache, it then returns array ( $timestamp, $ttl )
$f3->exists('foo'); // true
$f3->exists('bar'); // false, was not set above
is especially useful with PHP global variables automatically synched by F3:
// Synched hive keys with PHP global variables
You can use the $val
argument to fetch the hive key content as well. This could save an additional get
if ($f3->exists('foo',$value)) {
echo $value; // bar
Return TRUE if the hive key is empty and not cached
bool devoid ( string $key )
The devoid
function also checks the Cache backend storage, if the key was not found in the hive.
$f3->devoid('foo'); // true
$f3->devoid('bar'); // true
$f3->devoid('baz'); // false
Unset hive key, key no longer exists
void clear ( string $key )
To remove a hive key and its value completely from memory:
$f3->clear('myArray.param1'); // removes key `param1` from array `myArray`
If the given hive key was cached before, it will be cleared from cache too.
Some more special usages:
$f3->clear('SESSION'); // destroys the user SESSION
$f3->clear('COOKIE.foobar'); // removes a cookie
$f3->clear('CACHE'); // clears all cache contents
Multi-variable assignment using associative array
void mset ( array $vars [, string $prefix = '' [, integer $ttl = 0 ]] )
echo $f3->get('var1'); // value1
echo $f3->get('var2'); // value2
echo $f3->get('var3'); // value3
You can append all key names using the 2nd argument $prefix
echo $f3->get('pre_var1'); // value1
echo $f3->get('pre_var2'); // value2
echo $f3->get('pre_var3'); // value3
To cache all vars, set a positive numeric integer value to $ttl
in seconds.
Return the whole hive contents as an array
array hive ()
printf ("A Busy Hive: <pre>%s</pre>", var_export( $f3->hive(), true ) );
Copy contents of a hive variable to another
mixed copy ( string $src, string $dst )
Return a writable reference to a new $dst
hive key. If $dst
already exists in the hive, it simply gets overwritten.
$bar = $f3->copy('foo','bar'); // bar = '123'
$bar = 456;
echo $f3->get('bar'); // '456'
Concatenate string to hive string variable
string concat ( string $key, string $val )
Return result of the concatenation. Note: If $key
does not exist in the hive, it is automatically created in the hive.
$f3->set('count', 99);
$f3->set('item', 'beer');
$text = $f3->concat('count', ' bottles of '.$f3->get('item'));
$text .= ' on the wall';
$f3->concat('wall', $f3->get('count')); // new 'wall' hive key is created
echo $f3->get('wall'); // 99 bottles of beer on the wall
Swap keys and values of hive array variable
array flip ( string $key )
$f3->set('data', array(
'foo1' => 'bar1',
'foo2 '=> 'bar2',
'foo3' => 'bar3',
/* output:
[bar1] => foo1
[bar2] => foo2
[bar3] => foo3
Add element to the end of hive array variable
mixed push ( string $key, mixed $val )
/* output:
[0] => apple
[1] => banana
[2] => peach
[3] => cherry
Remove last element of hive array variable
mixed pop ( string $key )
$f3->pop('fruits'); // returns "peach"
/* output:
[1] => apple
[2] => banana
Add element to the beginning of hive array variable
mixed unshift ( string $key, string $val )
/* output:
[0] => cherry
[1] => apple
[2] => banana
[3] => peach
Remove first element of a hive array variable
array|NULL shift ( string $key )
Return the left-shifted hive array variable, or NULL
if the hive array variable is empty or is not an array.
use the PHP function array_shift()
. It means that all numerical array keys of the hive array variable will be modified to start counting from zero while literal keys won't be touched
$f3->set('fruits', array(
$f3->shift('fruits'); // returns "apples"
/* output:
[0] => bananas
[1] => kiwis
[juicy] => peaches
Merge array with hive array variable
array merge ( string $key, array $src [, bool $keep = FALSE])
Return the resulting array of the merge. (Does not touch the value of the hive key)
$f3->set('foo', array('blue','green'));
$bar = $f3->merge('foo', array('red', 'yellow'));
/* $bar now is:
array (size=4)
[0] => string 'blue' (length=4)
[1] => string 'green' (length=5)
[2] => string 'red' (length=3)
[3] => string 'yellow' (length=6)
When the parameter $keep
is TRUE, the origin $key
in the HIVE is also updated.
Extend hive array variable with default values from $src
array extend ( string $key, array $src [, bool $keep = FALSE])
This method provides a simple way to add some default values to an array:
'foo'=> 1,
'bar'=> 'baz',
$settings = $f3->extend('settings','defaults');
Array (
[foo] => 1
[zzz] => 2
[colors] => Array (
[red] => 3
[blue] => 1
[green] => 2
[bar] => baz
When the parameter $keep
is TRUE, the origin $key
in the HIVE is also updated.
Encoding & Conversion
Convert backslashes to slashes
string fixslashes ( string $str )
$filepath = __FILE__; // \www\mysite\myfile.txt
$filepath = $f3->fixslashes($filepath); // /www/mysite/myfile.txt
Split comma-, semi-colon, or pipe-separated string
array split ( string $str [, $noempty = TRUE ] )
$data = 'value1,value2;value3|value4';
/* output:
[0] => value1
[1] => value2
[2] => value3
[3] => value4
NB: by default, empty values are filtered out. Set $noempty
to FALSE to prevent this behaviour.
Convert PHP expression/value to compressed exportable string
string stringify ( mixed $arg [, array $stack = NULL ] )
This function allows you to convert any PHP expression, value, array or any object to a compressed and exportable string.
The $detail
parameter controls whether to walk recursively into nested objects or not.
Example with a simple 2D array:
$elements = array('water','earth','wind','fire');
$fireworks = array($elements, shuffle($elements), array_flip($elements));
echo $f3->stringify($fireworks);
// Outputs e.g.:
$car = new stdClass();
$car->color = 'green';
$car->location = array('35.360496','138.727798');
echo $f3->stringify($car);
// Outputs e.g.:
Flatten array values and return as CSV string
string csv ( array $args )
$elements = array('water','earth','wind','fire');
echo $f3->csv($elements); // displays 'water','earth','wind','fire' // including single quotes
Convert snake_case string to camelCase
string camelcase ( string $str )
$str_s_c = 'user_name';
$f3->camelcase($str_s_c); // returns 'userName'
Convert camelCase string to snake_case
string snakecase ( string $str )
$str_CC = 'userName';
$f3->snakecase($str_CC); // returns 'user_name'
Return -1 if specified number is negative, 0 if zero, or 1 if the number is positive
int sign ( mixed $num )
Generate 64bit/base36 hash
string hash ( string $str )
Generates a hash for a given string (length between 11 and 13)
$f3->hash('foobar'); // returns '3vrllw03cko4s' (length=13)
Return Base64-encoded equivalent
string base64 ( string $data, string $mime )
echo $f3->base64('<h1>foobar</h1>','text/html');
// data:text/html;base64,PGgxPmZvb2JhcjwvaDE+
Convert special characters to HTML entities
string encode ( string $str )
Encodes symbols like & < >
and other chars, based on your applications ENCODING setting. (default: UTF-8)
echo $f3->encode("we <b>want</b> 'sugar & candy'");
// we <b>want</b> 'sugar & candy'
Convert special HTML entities back to characters
string decode ( string $str )
echo $f3->decode("we <b>want</b> 'sugar & candy'");
// we <b>want</b> 'sugar & candy'
Remove HTML tags (except those enumerated) and non-printable characters and keep the attributes of enumerated tags.
string clean ( mixed $var [, string $tags = NULL ] )
can be either a string
or an array
. In the latter case, it will be recursively traversed to clean each and every element.
defines a list (as per the split syntax) of allowed html tags that will not be removed.
$foo = "99 bottles of <b>beer</b> on the wall.";
echo $f3->clean($foo); // "99 bottles of beer on the wall."
$foo = "<h1><b>nice</b> <span>news</span> article <em>headline</em></h1>";
$h1 = $f3->clean($foo,'h1,span'); // <h1>nice <span>news</span> article headline</h1>
Similar to clean(), except that variable is passed by reference
string scrub ( mixed &$var [, string $tags = NULL ] )
$foo = "99 bottles of <b>beer</b> on the wall.";
$bar = $f3->scrub($foo);
echo $foo; // 99 bottles of beer on the wall.
Return string representation of PHP value
string serialize ( mixed $arg )
Depending on the SERIALIZER system variable, this method converts anything into a portable string expression. Possible values are igbinary and php. F3 checks on startup if igbinary is available and prioritize it, as the igbinary extension works much faster and uses less disc space for serializing. Check igbinary on github.
Return PHP value derived from string
string unserialize ( mixed $arg )
See serialize for further description.
Return locale-aware formatted string
string format( string $format [, mixed $arg0 [, mixed $arg1...]] )
The $format
string contains one or more placeholders identified by a position index enclosed in curly braces, the starting index being 0.
The placeholders are replaced by the values of the provided arguments.
echo $f3->format('Name: {0} - Age: {1}','John',23); //outputs the string 'Name: John - Age: 23'
The formatting can get more precise if the expected type is provided within placeholders.
Current supported types are:
- date
- date,short
- date,long
- date,custom,{exp}
- time
- time,short
- time,custom,{exp}
- number,integer
- number,currency
- number,currency,int
- number,currency,{char}
- number,percent
- number,decimal,{int}
- plural,{exp}
echo $f3->format('Current date: {0,date} - Current time: {0,time}',time());
//outputs the string 'Current date: 04/12/2013 - Current time: 11:49:57'
echo $f3->format('Created on: {0,date,custom,%A, week: %V }', time());
//outputs the string 'Created on: Monday, week 45'
echo $f3->format('{0} is displayed as a decimal number while {0,number,integer} is rounded',12.54);
//outputs the string '12.54 is displayed as a decimal number while 13 is rounded'
echo $f3->format('Price: {0,number,currency}',29.90);
//outputs the string 'Price: $29.90'
echo $f3->format('Percentage: {0,number,percent}',0.175);
//outputs the string 'Percentage: 18%' //Note that the percentage is rendered as an integer
echo $f3->format('Decimal Number: {0,number,decimal,2}', 0.171231235);
//outputs the string 'Decimal Number: 0,17'
The plural type syntax is a little bit less straightforward since it allows you to associate a different output depending on the input quantity.
The plural type syntax must start with 0, plural,
followed by a list of plural keywords associated with the desired output. The accepted keywords are '*zero*', '*one*', '*two*' and '*other*'.
Furthermore, you can insert the matching numeral in your output strings thanks to the #
sign that will be automatically replaced by the matching number, as illustrated in the example below:
$cart_dialogs= '{0, plural,'.
'zero {Your cart is empty.},'.
'one {One (#) item in your cart.},'.
'two {A pair of items in your cart.},'.
'other {There are # items in your cart.}
echo $f3->format($cart_dialogs,0); // displays 'Your cart is empty.'
echo $f3->format($cart_dialogs,1); // displays 'One (1) item in your cart.'
echo $f3->format($cart_dialogs,2); // displays 'A pair of items in your cart.'
echo $f3->format($cart_dialogs,3); // displays 'There are 3 items in your cart.'
Each plural keyword is optional and you can for example omit the plural keyword 'two' if the 'other' one fits that case. Of course, if you omit'em all, only the numerals will be displayed. As a general rule, keep at least the 'other' plural keyword as a fallback.
Automatic formatting of hive variables
'{0, plural,'.
'zero {There is n#thing on the table.},'.
'one {A book is on the table.},'.
'two {Two (#) books are on this table.},'.
'other {There are # books on the table.}'.
echo $f3->get('a_books_story',0); // displays 'There is n0thing on the table.'
echo $f3->get('a_books_story',1); // displays 'A book is on the table.'
echo $f3->get('a_books_story',2); // displays 'Two (2) books are on this table.'
echo $f3->get('a_books_story',7); // displays 'There are 7 books on the table.'
Assign/auto-detect language
string language ( string $code )
This function is used while booting the framework to auto-detect the possible user language, by looking at the HTTP request headers, specifically the Accept-Language header sent by the browser.
Use the LANGUAGE system variable to get and set languages, since it also handles dependencies like setting the locales using php setlocale(LC_ALL,...) and changing dictionary files. The FALLBACK system variable defines a default language, that will be used, if none of the detected languages are available as a dictionary file.
$f3->get('LANGUAGE'); // 'de-DE,de,en-US,en'
$f3->set('LANGUAGE', 'es-BR,es');
$f3->get('LANGUAGE'); // 'es-BR,es,en' the fallback language is added at the end of the list
NB: Even though POSIX locales use an underscore as a separator (es_BR.UTF-8), you should define the LANGUAGE variable with a hyphen (es-BR). Dictionary files follow the same rule (es-BR.php / es-BR.ini).
System locales
In order to ensure that the format method, and other locale-aware php functions, work like expected, the system locale is loaded automatically by this function. E.g:
$f3->set('LANGUAGE','it-IT');// the locale it_IT.UTF-8 will be automatically loaded using setlocale
Some more examples:
$f3->LANGUAGE='en' => F3 will try to load 2 locales:
$f3->LANGUAGE='en-US' => F3 will try to load 4 locales:
$f3->LANGUAGE='en-US,en-GB' => F3 will try to load 6 locales:
NB: The first locale found on the server is loaded. Make sure your server does have all the locales installed, which you want to support in your application.
On most linux machines you can check that using locale -a
and install new locales with dpkg-reconfigure locales
. Some apache webserver configurations maybe need a restart afterwards to work with the new locales.
Transfer lexicon entries to hive
array lexicon ( string $path )
This function is used while booting the framework to auto-load the dictionary files, located within the defined path in LOCALES
A dictionary file can be a php file returning a key-value paired associative array, or an .ini-style formatted config file. Read the guide about language files here.
Assemble url from alias name
string alias ( string $name [, array|string $params = array() [, array|string $query = array() ]] )
$f3->route('GET @complex:/resize/@format/*/sep/*','App->nowhere');
// Both examples return '/resize/20x20/foo/bar/sep/baz.gif'
Replace tokenized URL with current route's token values
string build ( string $url [, array $params = array() ] )
// for instance the route is '/subscribe/@channel' with = 'fatfree'
echo $f3->build('@channel'); // displays 'fatfree'
echo $f3->build('/get-it/now/@channel'); // displays '/get-it/now/fatfree'
echo $f3->build('/subscribe/@channel'); // displays '/subscribe/fatfree'
If you'd like to specifically define the tokens in the given $url
, you can use the $params
argument for that:
'format'=>'200x200',// 1=>'200x200' also works
// returns: /resize/200x200/foo/bar/sep/baz.gif
Mock an HTTP request
mixed mock ( string $pattern [, array $args = NULL [, array $headers = NULL [, string $body = NULL ]]] )
This emulates a HTTP request based upon the verb and resource defined by $pattern
gets exported as the matching verb's global variable ($_GET
gets exported as global HTTP headers ($_SERVER[HTTP_…]
)- The HTTP request body
gets exported as the HIVE'sBODY
variable for verbs not equal toGET
. If$body
is undefined,$args
gets URL-encoded and exported asBODY
- Appending
mocks AJAX calls - Appending
mocks ordinary (synchronous) calls - Appending
mocks command-line (CLI) calls - Named routes and tokens are valid resources
Basic usage example:
$f3->mock('GET /page/view [ajax]');
Basic usage example with a named route and token:
$f3->route('GET @grub:/food/@id', /* … */);
$f3->mock('GET @grub(@id=bread)');
Unit test as advanced usage example:
$f3->route('GET|POST|PUT @grub:/food/@id/@quantity', /* … */);
$f3->mock('POST /food/sushki/134?a=1',array('b'=>2));
$_GET==array('a'=>1) && $_POST==array('b'=>2) && $_REQUEST==array('a'=>1,'b'=>2) && $f3->get('BODY')=='b=2',
'Request body and superglobals $_GET, $_POST, $_REQUEST correctly set on mocked POST'
Parse a string containing key-value pairs and return them as an array
array parse ( string $str )
Basic usage example:
$array = $f3->parse('framework=f3 , speed=fast , features=full');
echo $array['framework']; // 'f3'
echo $array['speed']; // 'fast'
Storing parsed string containing key-value pairs into The Hive as key-value pairs using mset method
$array = $f3->parse('framework=f3 , speed=fast , features=full');
echo $f3->get('framework'); // 'f3'
echo $f3->get('speed'); // 'fast'
Bind a route pattern to a given handler
null route ( string|array $pattern, callback $handler [, int $ttl = 0 [, int $kbps = 0 ]] )
Basic usage example:
$f3->route('POST /login','AuthController->login');
Route Pattern
The $pattern
var describes a route pattern, that consists of the request type(s) and a request URI, both separated by a space char.
Possible request type (Verb) definitions, that F3 will process, are: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, PATCH, CONNECT.
You can combine multiple verbs, to use the same route handler for all of them. Simply separate them by a pipe char, like GET|POST
The request URI may contain one or more token(s), that a meant for defining dynamic routes. Tokens are indicated by a @
char prior their name and can optionally be wrapped by single curly brackets { }
. See this examples:
$f3->route('GET|HEAD /@page','PageController->display'); // ex: /about
$f3->route('POST /@category/@thread','ForumThread->saveAnswer'); // /games/battlefield3
$f3->route('GET /image/@width-@height/@file','ImageCompressor->render'); // /image/300-200/mario.jpg
$f3->route('GET /image/{@width}x{@height}/@file','ImageCompressor->render'); // /image/300x200/mario.jpg
After processing the incoming request URI (initiated by run), you'll find the value of each of those tokens in the PARAMS
system variable as named key, like $f3->get('PARAMS.file')
. // 'mario.jpg'
You can also define wildcards (/*
) in your routing URI. Furthermore, you can use them in combination with @
$f3->route('GET /path/*/@page', function($f3,$params) {
// called URI: "/path/cat/page1"
// $params is the same as $f3->get('PARAMS');
$params[0]; // contains the full route path. "/path/cat/page"
$params[1]; // and further numeric keys in PARAMS hold the catched wildcard paths and tokens. in this case "cat"
$params['page']; // is your last segment, in this case "page1"
The route above also works with sub categories. Just call /path/cat/subcat/page1
$params[1]; // now contains "/cat/subcat"
It even works with some more sub-levels. You just need to explode this value with a /
-delimiter to handle your sub-categories.
Something like /path/*/@pagetitle/@pagenum
is also quite easy.
It becomes complicated when you try to use more than one wildcard, because only the first /*
-wildcard can hold unlimited path-segments.
Any further wildcards can only contain exactly one part between the slashes (/
). So try to keep it simple.
It's possible to assign multiple routes to the same route handler, using an array of routes in $pattern
. It would look like this:
'GET /archive',
'GET /archive/@year',
'GET /archive/@year/@month',
'GET /archive/@year/@month/@day'
$params+=array('year'=>2013,'month'=>1,'day'=>1); //default values
Named Routes
Since F3 v3.2.0
you may also assign a name to your routes. Therefore follow this pattern:
$f3->route('GET @beer_list: /beer', 'Beer->list');
Names are inserted after the route VERB and preceded by an @ symbol. All named routes can be accessed by the ALIASES system variable for further processing in templates or for rerouting. Check out the User Guide about creating named routes for additional information.
Furthermore you can use an existing route name to shorten additional route definitions:
$f3->route('GET @beer_details: /beer/@id', 'Beer->get');
$f3->route('POST @beer_details', 'Beer->saveComment');
$f3->route('PUT @beer_details', 'Beer->savePhoto');
Route Handler
Can be a callable class method like 'Foo->bar' or 'Foo::bar', a function name, or an anonymous function.
F3 automatically passes the framework instance and the route tokens to route handler controller classes. E.g:
$f3->route('GET /foo/@file','Bar->baz');
class Bar {
function baz($f3,$args) {//<-- $f3 is the framework instance, $args are the route tokens
echo $f3->get('hello');
echo $args['file'];
The 3rd argument $ttl
defines the caching time in seconds. Setting this argument to a positive value will call the expire function to set cache metadata in the HTTP response header. It also caches the route response, but only GET and HEAD requests are cacheable.
is turned off, $ttl
will only control the browser cache using expire header metadata.
is turned on, and there is a positive $ttl
value set for the current request URI handler, F3 additionally will cache the output for this page, and refresh it when $ttl
Read more about it here and here.
Bandwidth Throttling
Set the 4th argument $kbps
to your desired speed limit, to enable throttling. Read more about it in the user guide.
Reroute to specified URI
null reroute ( [ string|array $url = NULL [, bool $permanent = FALSE [, bool $die = TRUE ]]] )
Examples of usage:
// an old page is moved permanently
$f3->route('GET|HEAD /obsoletepage', function($f3) {
$f3->reroute('/newpage', true);
// whereas a Post/Redirect/Get pattern would just redirect temporarily
$f3->route('GET|HEAD /login', 'AuthController->viewLoginForm');
$f3->route('POST /login', function($f3) {
if( AuthController->checkLogin == true )
$f3->reroute('/members', false);
$f3->reroute('/login', false);
// if no $url parameter is set, it'll reroute to the current route with GET verb
$f3->route('POST /search', function($f3) {
// back to search form, if an empty term was submitted
if ($f3->devoid('POST.search_term'))
// we can also reroute to external URLs
$f3->route('GET /partners', function($f3) {
// it's also possible to reroute to named routes
$f3->route('GET @beer_list: /beer', 'Beer->list');
$f3->route('GET /old-beer-page', function($f3) {
// even with dynamic parameter in your named route
$f3->route('GET @beer_producers: /beer/@country/@village', 'Beer->byproducer');
$f3->route('GET /old-beer-page', function($f3) {
// but it'll also work with any unnamed tokenized URL
When $url
is an array, it's uses for alias rerouting. You can specify the alias name in the 1st array element, its parameters in the 2nd and additional query elements as 3rd array element:
// or
// equivalent to:
The $die
parameter can be used to disable immediate redirecting, instead the script continues after the appropriate headers were set. This can be useful for unit testing.
Redirect a route to another URL
null redirect ( string|array $pattern, string $url [, bool $permanent = TRUE ] )
This is a little shortcut method between route and reroute methods to defined routes that are just meant to redirect the client. The $pattern
argument accepts the same values as the route method does. For $url
you can use anything that would also be accepted in the appropriate reroute method argument.
Example of usage:
// redirect old pages
$f3->redirect('GET /oldpage', '/newpage');
// jump to absolut URLs
$f3->redirect('GET /external-link', '');
// temporarily redirect to another named route
$f3->redirect('GET /login', '@member_area', false);
// redirect one named route to another
$f3->redirect('GET @member_welcome', '@member_area');
This can also be configured in config files within a [redirects]
Provide ReST interface by mapping HTTP verb to class method
null map ( string $url, string $class [, int $ttl = 0 [, int $kbps = 0 ]] )
Its syntax works slightly similar to the route function, but you need not to define a HTTP request method in the 1st argument,
because they are mapped as functions in the Class you prodive in the $class
Read more about the REST support in the User Guide.
Example of usage:
class News {
function get() {}
function post() {}
function put() {}
function delete() {}
Match routes against incoming URI and call their route handler
null run ()
Example of usage:
$f3 = require __DIR__.'/lib/base.php';
$f3->route('GET /',function(){
echo "Hello World";
After processing the incoming request URI, the routing pattern that matches that URI is saved in the PATTERN
var, the current HTTP request URI in the URI
var and the request method in the VERB
var will contains all tokens as named keys, and additionally all tokens and wildcards as numeric keys, depending on their order of appearance.
Generate a 404 error when a tokenized class doesn't exist.
Notice: If a static and dynamic route pattern both match the current URI, then the static route pattern has priority.
Execute callback/hooks (supports 'class->method' format)
mixed|false call ( callback $func [, mixed $args = NULL [, string $hooks = '' ]] )
This method provides that facility to invoke callbacks and their arguments. F3 recognizes these as valid callbacks:
- Anonymous/lambda functions (aka closures)
static methodclass->method
equivalent toarray(new class,method)
if specified provides a means of executing the callback with parameters.
is used by the route()
method to specify pre- and post-execution functions, i.e. beforeroute()
and afterroute()
. (refer to the section Event Handlers for more explanations about beforeroute()
and afterroute()
Execute specified callbacks in succession; Apply same arguments to all callbacks
array chain ( array|string $funcs [, mixed $args = NULL ] )
This method invokes several callbacks in succession:
echo $f3->chain('a; b; c', 0);
function a($n) {
return 'a: '.($n+1); // a: 1
function b($n) {
return 'b: '.($n+1); // b: 1
function c($n) {
return 'c: '.($n+1); // c: 1
Execute specified callbacks in succession; Relay result of previous callback as argument to the next callback
array relay ( array|string $funcs [, mixed $args = NULL ] )
This method invokes callback in succession like chain but applies the result of the first function as argument of the succeeding function, i.e.:
echo $f3->relay('a; b; c', 0);
function a($n) {
return 'a: '.($n+1); // a: 1
function b($n) {
return 'b: '.($n+1); // b: 2
function c($n) {
return 'c: '.($n+1); // c: 3
File System
Native PHP Function
bool copy ( string $source , string $dest [, resource $context ] )
To copy a file, use the native copy()
PHP function. Shown here for convenience.
delete (unlink)
Native PHP Function
bool unlink ( string $filename [, resource $context ] )
To delete a file, use the native unlink()
PHP function. Shown here for convenience.
move (rename using diff path)
Native PHP Function
bool rename ( string $oldname , string $newname [, resource $context ] )
To move a file, use the native rename()
PHP function changing the path in the second argument. Shown here for convenience.
Create mutex, invoke callback then drop ownership when done
mixed mutex ( string $id, callback $func [, mixed $args = NULL ] )
A Mutual Exclusion (mutex) is a cross-platform mechanism for synchronizing access to resources, in such a way that a process that has acquired the mutex gains exclusive access to the resource. Other processes trying to acquire the same mutex will be in a suspended state until the mutex is released.
$f3->mutex('test',function() {
// Critical section
file_put_contents('mutex',$'r').' '.session_id()."\n");
Arguments can be passed to the callback:
$f3->mutex('my-mutex-id',function($path,$str) {
},array('/foo/bar/facts.txt','F3 is cool'));
Read file (with option to apply Unix LF as standard line ending)
string|FALSE read ( string $file [, bool $lf = FALSE ] )
Uses the file_get_contents()
PHP function to read the entire $file
and return it as a string. Returns FALSE
on failure.
IF $lf
, an EOL conversion to UNIX LF format is performed on all the lines ending.
Return path relative to the base directory
string rel ( string $url )
echo $f3->rel( '' ); // 'gui/img/supported_dbs.jpg'
Native PHP Function
bool rename ( string $oldname , string $newname [, resource $context ] )
To rename a file, use the native rename()
PHP function. Shown here for convenience.
Exclusive file write
int|FALSE write ( string $file, mixed $data [, bool $append = FALSE ] )
Uses the file_put_contents()
PHP function with the LOCK_EX
PHP flag to acquire an exclusive lock on the file while proceeding to the writing.
If $append
and the $file
already exits, the $data
is appended to the file content instead of overwriting it.
Return class instance
Base $f3 = \Base::instance();
This is used to grab the framework instance at any point of your code.
Disconnect HTTP client
void abort ( )
This method could be handy to abort the connection to the client and send the current response to it, but actually continue script execution after this point for doing time consuming tasks like sending SMTP mails or generating large PDF files without any lag for the client.
Lookup visitor's IP against common DNS blacklist services
bool blacklisted ( string $ip )
This function get called while bootstrapping the application and will lookup the visitors IP against common DNS blacklist services defined by the DNSBL system variable. This is very useful to protect your application against Spam bots or DOS attacks.
Return TRUE
if the IPv4 $ip
address is present in DNSBL
Convert JS-style token to PHP expression
string compile ( string $str )
This method is mainly used by the Preview class, the lightweight template engine, to convert tokens to variables.
$f3->compile('@RAINBOW.cyan'); // returns: $RAINBOW['cyan']
Configure framework according to .ini-style file settings
null config ( string $file [, bool $allow = FALSE ])
This will parse a configuration file, provided by $file
and setup the framework with variables and routes.
If the 2nd argument $allow
is provided, template strings are interpreted, thus making dynamic configs possible:
foo = bar
baz = {{@foo}}
See the user guide section about configuration files to get a full description about how to setup your ini file.
Convert class constants to array
array constants ( object | string $class [, string $prefix = '' ] )
Example, providing we have a Foo\Bar
class defined as below:
namespace Foo;
class Bar {
const STATUS_Inactive=0;
const STATUS_Active=1;
const E_NotFound='Not found';
you can access all the constants prefixed by STATUS_
// outputs:
array(2) {
NB: passing an object also works: $f3->constants($bar,'STATUS_')
Dump (_echo_) expression with syntax highlighting
null dump ( mixed $expr )
NOTICE: The syntax highlighting depends on the DEBUG level.
Execute error handler
null error ( int $code [, string $text = '' [, array $trace = NULL [, int $level = 0 ]]] )
Calling this function logs an error and executes the ONERROR handler if defined. Otherwise it will display a default error page in HTML for synchronous requests, or gives a JSON string for AJAX requests.
Send cache metadata to HTTP client
void expire ( [ int $secs = 0 ] )
There is little need to call this method directly because it is automatically invoked at runtime by the framework, depending on whether the page should be cached or otherwise. The framework sends the necessary HTTP cache control headers to the browser so you don't need to send it yourself.
$f3->expire(0); // sends 'Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate'
Apply syntax highlighting
string highlight ( string $text )
Applies syntax highlighting to a given string and returns the highlighted string.
$highlighted_code = $f3->highlight( '$fatfree->rocks(\'FAST\' AND $light)' );
<code><span class="variable">$fatfree</span><span class="object_operator">-></span><span class="string">rocks</span><span>(</span><span class="constant_encapsed_string">'FAST'</span><span class="whitespace"> </span><span class="logical_and">AND</span><span class="whitespace"> </span><span class="variable">$light</span><span>)</span></code>
Send HTTP/1.1 status header; Return text equivalent of status code
string status ( int $code )
Use this method for sending various HTTP status messages to the client, e.g.
$f3->status(404); // Sends a '404 Not Found' client error
$f3->status(407); // Sends a '407 Proxy Authentication Required' client error
$f3->status(503); // Sends a '503 Service Unavailable' server error
Execute framework/application shutdown sequence
null unload ( string $cwd )
First, changes PHP's current directory to directory $cwd
, writes session data and ends the session by calling the session_commit()
PHP function.
Then it shutdowns the application and calls the shutdown handler defined in UNLOAD.
As a final fallback, an HTTP error 500
is raised if one of the following E_ERROR, E_PARSE, E_CORE_ERROR, E_COMPILE_ERROR
is detected and not handled by the shutdown handler.
Invoke callback recursively for all data types
mixed recursive( mixed $arg , callable $func [, array $stack = NULL ] )
The recursive method takes your mixed $arg
and applies the $func
callback to any deep nested array value or object property that can be found and returns a copy of $arg
. Here a little example:
// ensure proper UTF-8 sequences before encoding
echo json_encode($f3->recursive($out,function($val){
return mb_convert_encoding($val,'UTF-8','UTF-8');
Loop until callback returns TRUE (for long polling)
mixed until ( callable $func [, array $args = null [, int $timeout = 60 ] ] )
The callback $func
gets called once a second with argument $args
until one of the following conditions terminates the loop:
- HTTP Client disconnects
- Time out after
seconds - Time out one second before reaching PHP's configured
- Session reopening fails
- Callback
returns a value boolean casted equal totrue
F3 closes the session after and reopens the session before calling the callback $func
to prevent session locking, which would otherwise block concurrent requests with the same session.