

The Web class (and its descendants, Geo and Pingback) contains several helpers to interact with HTTP clients and servers.

Namespace: \
File location: lib/web.php


Return class instance

$web = \Web::instance();

The Web class uses the Prefab factory wrapper, so you can grab the same instance of that class at any point of your code.


Detect MIME type using file extension

string mime ( string $file )

Detects MIME type by comparing the file extension against a predefined array. Use this as a lightweight alternative to Fileinfo, which is not available on some server setups and would be more costly in terms of performance. In the following example, we see how to set the right response header content type to display an image by PHP.

$web = \Web::instance();
$file = 'ui/images/south-park.jpg';
$mime = $web->mime($file); // returns 'image/jpeg'

header('Content-Type: '.$mime);
echo $f3->read($file);

If an extension is not known to this method, it will return 'application/octet-stream'.


Returns the list of acceptable MIME types of the browser.

array|string|false acceptable ( [ string|array $list = NULL ] )

It returns the MIME types stated by the browser in the HTTP Accept header as an array.


Returns for example:

    [text/html] => 1
    [application/xhtml+xml] => 1
    [application/xml] => 0.9

If a list of MIME types is specified, it returns the best match, or FALSE if none found.

$web->acceptable(array('application/xml','application/xhtml+xml')); // returns application/xhtml+xml


Transmits a file to the client and returns the file size on success

int|false send ( string $file [, string $mime = NULL [, int $kbps = 0 [, bool $force = TRUE ]]] )

The $file is a filename that must validate against the PHP function is_file($file).

With the $mime argument you can explicitly set a mime type. Leave it to NULL to let the framework detect the MIME type using the $file file extension.

The 3rd argument $kbps specify the throttle speed, measured in Kilobits per second. It allows you to actively limit users' download rates, to avoid overloading your server when you send big multimedia files for example.

Use $force to add a Content-Disposition: attachment; HTTP header that will force the browser to open a "save file…" download dialog, otherwise it would just display the raw file in some cases, as images, .pdf or .mp3 files can be displayed directly by the browser and will not prompt the browser to display a download dialog.

Usage example:

$throttle = 2048; // throttle to around 256 KB /s
$sent = $web->send('data/documents.zip', NULL, $throttle);
if ( !$sent)  { /*error*/ }

Send/Receive example:

// send the file without any download dialog

// setup a route and its associated handler
$f3->route('PUT /upload/@filename',
	function() use($web) { $web->receive(); }
// mock a request that will actually upload the file
$f3->mock('PUT /upload/'.basename($file),NULL,NULL,$f3->read($file));

if (is_file($target=$f3->get('UPLOADS').basename($file)))
	echo 'Uploaded file done via PUT';



Receive and process files from a client sent via PUT or POST.

array|bool receive ( [ callback $func = NULL [, bool $overwrite = FALSE [, callback|bool $slug = TRUE ]]] )

This function has two behaviours:

  1. on a POST request, it fetches files uploaded via HTML file inputs and move them into the directory specified in UPLOADS system var. The returned value is an array containing the upload status for each uploaded file.

  2. on a PUT request, it writes the contents of the request body into a target file located in the directory specified in UPLOADS system var.

You can set an optional upload handler function to validate uploaded files, before moving them to their desired location. Lets have a look at this:

$f3->set('UPLOADS','uploads/'); // don't forget to set an Upload directory, and make it writable!

$overwrite = false; // set to true, to overwrite an existing file; Default: false
$slug = true; // rename file to filesystem-friendly version

$files = $web->receive(function($file,$formFieldName){
        /* looks like:
          array(5) {
              ["name"] =>     string(19) "csshat_quittung.png"
              ["type"] =>     string(9) "image/png"
              ["tmp_name"] => string(14) "/tmp/php2YS85Q"
              ["error"] =>    int(0)
              ["size"] =>     int(172245)
        // $file['name'] already contains the slugged name now

        // maybe you want to check the file size
        if($file['size'] > (2 * 1024 * 1024)) // if bigger than 2 MB
            return false; // this file is not valid, return false will skip moving it

        // everything went fine, hurray!
        return true; // allows the file to be moved from php tmp dir to your defined upload dir

/* looks like:
  array(3) {
      ["uploads/csshat_quittung.png"] => bool(true)
      ["uploads/foo.pdf"] => bool(false)
      ["uploads/my.pdf"] => bool(true)
  foo.pdf was not uploaded...
Notice: Having trouble to get this working? Don't forget to set the enctype="multipart/form-data" attribute in your <form> tag.

A callback can also be another function or class method. Have a look at the call() function description to see all possibilities.

function callback() {
    echo 'file uploaded!';

Web::instance()->receive('callback', false, true);
Notice: The callback function will be called for every successful upload if specified.

You can also generate a custom file name for the uploaded files using a callback function in the slug parameter:

$files = $web->receive(function($file,$formFieldName){
		// ...
	},true,function($fileBaseName, $formFieldName){
		// build new file name from base name or input field name
		return "custom_filename.jpg";


Returns the progress of a file upload if session.upload_progress.enabled is set to 1 in the php.ini

int|false Web::instance()->progress ( string $session_id )

The $session_id is the "key" of the $_SESSION array and is necessary to retrieve the status of a specific user. Please read the PHP Docs for more information.


Perform HTTP requests via cURL. It's a protected method and is used by Web->request().

Returns an array containing the content and the header.


Perform HTTP requests via PHP stream wraper. It's a protected method and is used by Web->request().

Returns an array containing the content and the header.


Perform a HTTP request on low-level via TCP/IP sockets. It's a protected method and is used by Web->request().

Returns an array containing the content and the header.


Specify the HTTP request engine to use

string engine ( [ string $arg = 'curl' ] )

Sets the engine to be used by Web->request(). If the selected engine is not available, it falls back to an applicable substitute. Possible values are:

  • curl (default)
  • stream
  • socket
Notice: The cURL and stream wrapper engines need their appropriate php extension to be installed and activated to work properly. Otherwise, sockets are used.


Replace old headers with new elements

NULL subst ( array &$old, string|array $new )


Perform a HTTP request

array|false request ( string $url [, array $options = NULL ] )

You can use HTTP context options to configure the request for your needs. This way you can build request of every type, including the usage of cookies or auth mechanisms, proxy, user-agent, and so on. The requested page will be cached as instructed by the remote server.

Returns an array containing the content and the header. For example, let us have a look at a simple GET request to download a remote file:

var_dump( \Web::instance()->request('http://www.golem.de/1303/98339-55766-i_rc.jpg' ));
/* returns:

array(4) {
    'body' => string " IMAGE BINARY DATA " (length=7761)
    'headers' =>
        array (size=14)
        0 => string 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK' (length=15)
        1 => string 'Server: nginx' (length=13)
        2 => string 'Date: Thu, 18 Dec 2013 12:40:11 GMT' (length=35)
        3 => string 'Content-Type: image/jpeg' (length=24)
        4 => string 'Content-Length: 7761' (length=20)
        5 => string 'Connection: close' (length=17)
        6 => string 'Keep-Alive: timeout=3' (length=21)
        7 => string 'Last-Modified: Fri, 22 Mar 2013 09:41:02 GMT' (length=44)
        8 => string 'ETag: "514c272e-1e51"' (length=21)
        9 => string 'X-UPSTREAM: www1.golem.de' (length=25)
        10 => string 'Expires: Sun, 18 Jan 2014 12:40:11 GMT' (length=38)
        11 => string 'Cache-Control: max-age=2678400' (length=30)
        12 => string 'X-Cache-Status: HIT' (length=19)
        13 => string 'Accept-Ranges: bytes' (length=20)
    'engine' => string 'cURL' (length=4)
    'cached' => boolean false}

It's easy as that!

Let's move on to some more advanced examples.


Perform a GET request with URL parameters:

$url = 'http://www.mydomain.com/index.php';
$params = array(
    'parameter1' => 'value1',
    'parameter2' => 'value2'
$options = array('method' => 'GET');
$url .= '?'.http_build_query($params);

$result = \Web::instance()->request($url, $options);


Perform a POST request with POST data.

$url = 'http://www.mydomain.com/index.php';

$postVars = array(
    'parameter1' => 'value1',
    'parameter2' => 'value2'
$options = array(
    'method'  => 'POST',
    'content' => http_build_query($postVars),
$result = \Web::instance()->request($url, $options);


Upload a file via PUT request.

$f3 = \Base::instance();
$web = \Web::instance();

$url = 'http://www.mydomain.com/upload/';
$file = '/path/to/myFile.zip';

$options = array(
    'method'  => 'PUT',
    'content' => $f3->read($file),
    'header' => array('Content-Type: '.$web->mime($file));

$result = $web->request($url, $options);


Minify CSS and Javascript files by stripping whitespaces and comments. Returns a combined output as a string.

string minify ( string|array $files [, string $mime = NULL [, bool $header = TRUE [, string $path = NULL ]]] )


$minified = Web::instance()->minify('style.css,framework.css,null.css');

This method will also auto-detect the mime-type of the files that are going to be minified and send as header Content-Type to the browser. You can overwrite the used mime-type with the $mime parameter, and stop sending the header data entirely by setting the $header parameter to FALSE.

If the files are not located within one of the UI search paths, you must use the $path argument to specify their directory path. In particular, set $path='' if the provided file paths are absolute.

To get maximum performance, you can enable the F3 system caching and F3 will use it to save/retrieve file(s) to minify and to save the combined output as well. You can have a look at the Cache Engine User Guide for more details.

To see an example of how minify can be used in your templates, check the Keeping Javascript and CSS on a Healthy Diet section of the User Guide.


Parse RSS feed and optionally return an array of all tags.

array|false rss ( string $url [, int $max = 10 [, string $tags = NULL ]] )


$count = 20; // Default: 10
$tags = array('title', 'link', 'pubDate'); // Default: NULL (all tags)

Web::instance()->rss('http://example.org/feed.rss', $count, $tags);


Retrieve information from whois server

string|false whois ( string $addr [, string $server = 'whois.internic.net'] )


echo $web->whois('fatfreeframework.com');

/* returns:
Whois Server Version 2.0

Domain names in the .com and .net domains can now be registered
with many different competing registrars. Go to http://www.internic.net
for detailed information.

   Registrar: INTERNETWORX LTD. & CO. KG
   Whois Server: whois.domrobot.com
   Referral URL: http://www.domrobot.com
   Name Server: NS.INWX.DE
   Name Server: NS2.INWX.DE
   Name Server: NS3.INWX.EU


Method to return a URL- and filesystem-friendly string.

string slug ( string $text )

The purpose of this function is to convert foreign characters to their approximate English keyboard character equivalents. Therefor it uses ISO-9 transliteration with a lookup table array that can be extended with the DIACRITICS var. Furthermore, it is designed to remove all non-alphanumeric characters and convert them to dashes.

echo Web::instance()->slug('ĤÈĹĹŌ'); // displays 'hello'
echo Web::instance()->slug('Ein schöner Artikel über Max & John!'); // displays 'ein-schoener-artikel-ueber-max-john'


Return a chunk of text from the standard Lorem Ipsum passage

string filler ( [ int $count = 1 [, int $max = 20 [, bool $std = TRUE ]]] )

This function might be useful to fill your empty layout with some placeholder text. Therefore $count controls the number of sentences being created with a randomly amount of words between 3 and $max. By default, the $std var specifies if the returned text will start with a default Lorem ipsum dolor… filler made of 124 chars of length.

echo $web->filler(3, 5, FALSE);
/* returns 3 random sentences, with a maximum of 5 words, similar to this:
'Iste corporis aut. Exercitationem corporis rem harum repellat. Cupiditate eligendi debitis.'