

The Jig class provides a simple way to store arrays of data into flat ASCII files.

Namespace: \DB
File location: lib/db/jig.php


$db = new \DB\Jig ( string $dir [, int $format = \DB\Jig::FORMAT_JSON ] );

$dir defines the storage directory name. It can be relative to the base path or absolute.

$format defines the storage format. Possible values are:

  • \DB\Jig::FORMAT_JSON which stores data in JSON format.
  • \DB\Jig::FORMAT_Serialized which serializes data. Depending on the value of the SERIALIZER system variable, data is stored using the standard PHP serialization format, the igbinary format or JSON.
N.B.1: Like every F3 directory name, $dir must end with a trailing slash!
N.B.2: The directory is automatically created if not already existing.



Read data from a Jig database file

array read ( string $file )

This method retrieves the data stored in a given Jig database file.

For example:

$data = $db->read('team');
echo $data['Robert']['birth']; // 82 (see below)


Write data to a Jig database file

int|FALSE write ( string $file, array $data )

This method writes data to a Jig database file and returns the number of bytes that were written to the file, or FALSE on failure.

For example:

$db=new \DB\Jig('jig/',\DB\Jig::FORMAT_Serialized);
  'Jimmy'   => array('birth'=>86,'instr'=>'guitars'),
  'Robert'  => array('birth'=>82,'instr'=>'vocals'),
  'John'    => array('birth'=>88,'instr'=>'drums'),
  'Anna'    => array(            'instr'=>'keyboards'),
echo $db->write('team',$team); // outputs 231 (int)


Clean storage

int drop ( )

Erases all the data stored in the storage directory.


$db=new \DB\Jig('jig/'); // jig/ directory is empty
$db->write('file1.dat',$data1); // jig/ contains file1.dat
$db->write('file2.dat',$data2); // jig/ contains file1.dat and file2.dat
$db->drop(); // jig/ directory is now empty


Return database storage directory

string dir ( )

Actually, simply returns the $dir value that was specified to the constructor.


Jot down a log entry

null jot ( string $frame )

Add the given $frame to the inner log. Entries are prefixed with a RFC 2822 formatted date.


Return Jig profiler results

string log ( )


$db->jot('Merry Christmas');
echo $db->log();  // "Wed, 25 Dec 2013 08:27:58 +0100 Merry Christmas"


Return UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier) connection hash

string uuid ( )


echo $db->uuid();  // e.g. "0dso6nqcdhr"  (string, length 11)


The Jig DB is not meant to be used directly. Instead have a look at our powerful Jig Mapper. To initalize the database, simply add some records with the mapper, i.e.:

$mapper = new \DB\Jig\Mapper($db, $file);
$mapper->username = 'userA';
$mapper->password = '57d82jg05';
$mapper->username = 'userB';
$mapper->password = 'kbjd94973';

In case you used the default JSON style Jig DB, the resulting json db file structure looks like this:

    "548723b9f06c78.10153217": {
        "username": "userA",
        "password": "57d82jg05"       
    "54f9c763934745.48648465": {
        "username": "userB",
        "password": "kbjd94973"       