
Quick Reference

System Variables

To use these variables, simply get them from the $f3 object, as in:

$current_url = $f3->get('PATH');


Type: string, Read-only

A string containing the auto-detected HTTP user agent, e.g. 'Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 4.2.2; Nexus 7) AppleWebKit/537.31'


Type: bool, Read-only

TRUE if an XML HTTP request is detected, FALSE otherwise. Default value: Result of the expression $headers['X-Requested-With']=='XMLHttpRequest'


Type: string

Contains the alias (name) of the current route. Empty if the current route is not named.


Type: array

This array contains all named routes which can be used to render the appropriate link urls in your templates.


Type: string|array     Default: './'

Search path(**s**) for user-defined PHP classes that the framework will attempt to autoload at runtime. When specifying multiple paths, you can use a pipe (|), comma (,), or semi-colon (;) as path separator.

REMEMBER: paths must end with a slash. E.g: $f3->set('AUTOLOAD', 'app/;inc/,./');

See here for more details.

BEWARE: if you define this variable in a config file, remember that commas have a special meaning (array separator).
So the following syntaxes are valid:
  • AUTOLOAD = foo/;bar/,Customer::casehandler
  • AUTOLOAD = foo/;bar/
  • AUTOLOAD = foo/|bar/
  • AUTOLOAD = "foo/,bar/"
while AUTOLOAD = foo/,bar/ is not.


Type: string, Read-only     Default: auto-detected

Path to the index.php main/front controller.


Type: string, Read-only

HTTP request body for ReSTful post-processing. Contains the php://input stream used by PUT requests, if RAW is false.


Type: bool|string     Default: FALSE

Cache backend. F3 can handle Memcache module, APC, WinCache, XCache and a filesystem-based cache.

For example: if you'd like to use the memcache module, a configuration string is required, e.g. $f3->set('CACHE','memcache=localhost') (port 11211 by default) or $f3->set('CACHE','memcache=').

When set to TRUE, or when the connection with the specified memcached server above failed, F3 will auto-detect, in that order, the presence of APC, WinCache, XCache and use the first available of these PHP module. If none of these shared memory engine has been detected or is available, a filesystem-based backend is used as a fallback (default directory: tmp/cache or you can specify a folder outside the scope of the website, e.g. $f3->set('CACHE','folder=/var/tmp/f3filescache/').

The framework doesn't use any cache engine when a FALSE value is assigned.


Type: bool     Default: TRUE

Pattern matching of routes against incoming URIs is case-insensitive by default. Set to FALSE to make it case-sensitive.


Type: bool, Read-only

TRUE if the request originates from the command-line interface, FALSE if it comes from the web server.

See CLI mode for more details on how to handle CLI requests.


Type: callable|Prefab|Psr\Container\ContainerInterface

Defines the optional dependency injection container used by Base->call() and the routing system. CONTAINER supports PSR-11 containers, callables and classes extending Prefab. Prefab-based classes have to implement the get(string $id) method. Callables receive the requested $id (e.g. class name) as first argument.

API-incompatible third party containers can be made compatible with a tiny adapter.

$dice =  // Configure the API-incompatible Level-2/Dice container.

$f3->set('CONTAINER', function ($class) use ($dice) {
    return $dice->create($class);

NB: CONTAINER requires at least Fat-Free Framework 3.6.4.


Type: array

Framework equivalents of PHP globals. For your convenience, F3 automatically synchronizes these variables with the underlying PHP globals. These variables may be used throughout an application. However, direct use in templates is not advised due to security risks.

It could be possible that the PHP configuration is not populating all globals. If for instance the environment variables are missing, then you have to add E to the PHP configuration directive variables_order.


Type: array

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing configuration parameters. Consists of the following options:

  • headers, string or array, default: '', allowed headers in the request
  • origin, string or false, default: false, allowed origin host, i.e *.mydomain.com
  • credentials bool, default: false, allow cookies
  • expose, string or array, default: false, controls which headers from the response are exposed to the client browser
  • ttl, int, detault: 0, caching time of the preflight OPTIONS request

To enable basic CORS support, just set CORS.origin to *. For a more defined setup, you can use $f3->copy('HEADERS.Origin','CORS.origin');.


Type: integer     Default: 0

Verbosity level of the stack trace. Assign values between 0 to 3 for increasing verbosity levels as follow:

  • 0 : suppresses logs of the stack trace.
  • 1 : logs files & lines.
  • 2 : logs classes & functions as well.
  • 3 : logs detailed infos of the objects as well.
Notice: Only the default value of 0 should be used on production servers.


Type: array     Default: array(), empty array

Additional key-value pairs for foreign-to-ASCII character translations, as used in web->slug.


Type: string     Default: '', empty string

Comma-separated list of DNS blacklist servers. Framework generates a 403 Forbidden error if the user's IPv4 address is listed on the specified server(s).


Type: array     Default: array(), empty array

Additional key-value pairs of emoji tokens to add to the basic set used when translating a string to Unicode font-supported symbols. (see \UTF->emojify())


Type: string     Default: 'UTF-8'

Character set used for document encoding.


Type: array, Read-Only

Information about the last HTTP error that occurred:

  • ERROR.code is the HTTP status code. e.g. 307
  • ERROR.status is a brief description of the HTTP status code. e.g. 'Temporary Redirect'
  • ERROR.text contains a brief description of the error.
  • ERROR.trace is used for HTTP 500 errors, to retrieve the stack trace. string
  • ERROR.level - error reporting level (E_WARNING, E_STRICT, etc.)


Type: bool     Default: TRUE

Used to enable/disable auto-escaping @tokens used in templates.


Type: string     Default: NULL

Comma-separated list of IPv4 addresses to exempt from DNSBL lookups.


Type: object     Default: NULL

Contains the exception object when unhandled exceptions occur.


Type: string     Default: 'en'

Language (and dictionary) to use if no translation is available.


Type: array

Storage for custom format rules to add support for multiple localization formats or other cases. See code samples.



Type: string     Default: NULL

Portion of the URI after the optional hash (#) symbol (http://www.example.org/foo.html#bar) FRAGMENT = 'bar'.


Type: bool     Default: TRUE

If TRUE, the framework, after having logged stack trace and errors, stops execution (die without any status) when a non-fatal error is detected.


Type: array,Read-Only

HTTP request headers received by the server. e.g. (simplified)

array (
	'Host' => 'fatfreeframework.com'
	'Accept-Encoding' => 'gzip,deflate,sdch',
	'Accept-Language' => 'en-US,en;q=0.8,ja;q=0.6'


Type: bool     Default: FALSE

Enable/disable syntax highlighting of stack traces and Markdown code blocks. When enabled, requires code.css stylesheet.


Type: string,Read-Only

Server host name.


Type: string,Read-Only

Remote IP address. The framework derives the address from headers if HTTP client is behind a proxy server. Default value: First match of Client-IP then X-Forwarded-For then $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], otherwise set to ''


Type: array

Default cookie parameters. Consists of the following options:

  • expire Unix timestamp, when the cookie should expire. Default: 0
  • path The path on the server in which the cookie will be available. Default: '/'
  • domain The domain that the cookie is available to. Default: $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] if available, else ''
  • secure Set the cookie when a secure HTTPS connection exists. Default: $_SERVER['HTTPS']=='on'
  • httponly Make the cookie accessible only through the HTTP protocol. Default: TRUE

You can refer to session_set_cookie_params() in the PHP Manual for more information.

You can also watch a video that goes over using cookies in the Fat-Free Framework.


Type: string     Default: auto-detected

Current active language(s). Value is used to load the appropriate language(s) translation file(s) in the folder pointed to by LOCALES. Default: auto-detected from the HTTP Accept-Language request header, e.g. 'en-US,en,es'.

NB: The system locale is loaded accordingly to this variable. E.g:

$f3->set('LANGUAGE','it-IT');// the locale it_IT.UTF-8 will be automatically loaded using setlocale

See the Localisation section in Base for more details and an example.


Type: string     Default: './'

Location of the language(s) dictionaries.

To enable caching for dictionaries from a config file, you need to write it this way:

LOCALES=/path/to/lexicons | 3600


Type: string|array     Default: '*'

You can supply this with either an array or a comma/semi-colon separated list of HTTP status codes to allow to be passed into the error_log() function when an error occurs. This is particularly useful when you are building a CLI app with FatFree routes and need to intercept a 404 not found error and display a custom message or action.



Type: string     Default: './'

Location of custom logs.


Type: mixed     Default: NULL

Callback function to use as custom error handler, or NULL.

Notice: If no callback function is specified, a default error page is generated (HTML5 for synchronous requests, JSON string for AJAX requests).


Type: mixed     Default: NULL

Callback function that is called before redirect headers are send. The default behavior (301/302 redirection) will be bypassed unless FALSE is returned.

  // do something


Type: string|null     Default: 'Fat-Free Framework'

A string containing the X-Powered-By header.

If empty, the header is not sent.


Type: array     Default: array()

Captured values of tokens defined in a route() pattern. PARAMS[0] contains the captured URL relative to the Web root.


Type: string, Read-Only

The URL relative to BASE. Default value: parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],PHP_URL_PATH)


Type: string, Read-Only

Contains the routing pattern that matches the current request URI.


Type: string     Default: __DIR__.'/'

Location of F3 plugins. The default value is the folder where the framework code resides, i.e. the path to base.php.


Type: integer, Read-Only

TCP/IP listening port used by the Web server. Default value: $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] or NULL if not available.


Type: string     Default: NULL

Prefix to use with LANGUAGE and LOCALES.

For example, if your dictionary file contains hello = Hello World, the term will be accessible via:

  • $f3->get('hello') without prefix
  • $f3->get('DICT.hello') if PREFIX=DICT. (Notice the ., it's intentional)
IMPORTANT: this variable should be set before LANGUAGE and LOCALES.


Type: string     Default: '', empty string

This variable allows mapped route handlers to be prefixed. For example, defining:

$f3->PREMAP = 'action_';

is the same as defining:

$f3->route('GET /item','Item->action_get');
$f3->route('POST /item','Item->action_post');
$f3->route('PATCH /item','Item->action_patch');
$f3->route('PUT /item','Item->action_put');
$f3->route('DELETE /item','Item->action_delete');


Type: string, Read-Only

Contains the request URI query string (all after the question mark ?).


Type: bool     Default: FALSE

Toggle switch for suppressing or enabling standard output and error messages. Particularly useful in unit testing.


Type: bool     Default: FALSE

RAW should be TRUE when processing large data coming from php://input which will not fit in memory (cf. BODY).


Type: string, Read-Only

Full canonical URL. Default value: Result of 'http(s)://'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']


Type: bool     Default: TRUE

When set to FALSE, the framework router ($f3->run) will no longer reroute urls with a trailing slash in the URL path.

I.e.: by default this URL https://myapp.com/foo/ is rerouted to https://myapp.com/foo.
When REROUTE_TRAILING_SLASH option is FALSE, this behaviour is disabled.

NB: Search engines like Google might treat pages at foo/ and foo as duplicate content, if the page is accessible on both URIs and no further measures were taken.


Type: string, Read-Only

The body of the last HTTP response. F3 populates this variable regardless of the QUIET setting.


Type: string, Read-Only

Absolute path to document root folder.


Type: array     Default: array()

Contains the defined application routes.

Notice: A route is more than just a URL. It's an HTTP verb (or verbs) and an URL.


Type: string, Read-Only

Server protocol. Default: 'http' or 'https'


Type: string

The SEED string is used as prefix name for cache entries and temp filenames to avoid cache key collisions. In case you use multiple domains with your application, the auto-generated SEED value would be different by default. If you want to share a common cache and temp file storage across both domains, set a custom SEED before initializing the CACHE:

$f3->set('SEED', $f3->hash('myDomainSEED'));
$f3->set('CACHE', TRUE);

NB: The SEED key is also used for CSRF token generation within the Session handlers.


Type: string     Default: auto-detected

The default serializer used by the Base->serialize() method. Default value: igbinary if available, otherwise php.


Type: string     Default: 'tmp/'

Temporary folder for cache, filesystem locks, compiled F3 templates, etc. The default value is the 'tmp/' folder inside the Web root. Adjust accordingly to conform to your site's security policies.

When you're using Google App Engine (GAE) to deploy your application, it's recommended to set it to a cloud storage dir.


Type: float     Default: auto-detected

Starting time of the framework. Default value: The current Unix time in seconds accurate to the nearest microsecond as per the PHP function microtime(**TRUE**).


Type: string     Default: auto-detected

Timezone to use. Changing this value automatically calls the underlying PHP function date_default_timezone_set(). See the list of supported timezones to get a possible value to use here. Falls back to 'UTC' if auto-detection fails.


Type: string     Default: './'

Search path for user interface files used by the View and Template classes' render() method.
Accepts a pipe (|), comma (,), or semi-colon (;) as separator for multiple paths.


Type: callback     Default: NULL

Defines the shutdown handler the framework will execute on application shutdown.


Type: string     Default: './'

Directory where file uploads are saved.


Type: string     Default: auto-detected

A reference to the current HTTP request URI.


Type: string     Default: auto-detected

A reference to the current HTTP request method.


Type: string     Default: e.g. '3.2.1-Release'

A string containing the version of the Framework.


Type: string|NULL     Default: e.g. 'SAMEORIGIN'

A string containing the X-Frame-Options header.

If empty, the header is not sent.

Template Directives


  • @token

    Replace @token with the value of the equivalent F3 variable.

  • {{ mixed expr }}

    Evaluate expression expr. Expression can include template tokens, constants, operators (unary, arithmetic, ternary and relational), parentheses, data type converters, and functions. If not an attribute of a template directive, the result is echo'ed.

  • {{ string expr | esc }}

    Render expression expr escaped. This is the default framework behavior. The | esc suffix is only necessary if the ESCAPE global variable has been set to FALSE.

  • {{ string expr | raw }}

    Render expression expr unescaped. As F3 auto-escapes string tokens by default, you can use this suffix to by-pass the escaping of a particular token.

  • {{ string expr, arg0, …, argN | format }}

    Render the expression expr in ICU-format and pass the comma-separated arguments, where arg0, …, argN is used in expr as reference, each with an optional formatter that can be one of: 'date', 'time', 'number' or 'plural' (additional formatter options possible). Have a look at the format method for more usage examples. More information about ICU formatting of Numbers, Currencies, Dates and Times. Sample: {{'date: {0,date} - time: {0,time} - price: {1,number,currency}',time(),@price | format}}

  • {{ string name, args | alias }}

    builds an URL of a named route, i.e: {{ @name, 'a=5,b='.@id | alias }}

  • {~ string expr ~}

    Evaluate expression expr, similar to {{expr}} but does not echo the result.

  • {* text-block *}

    Exclude a segment of your template. Alias to <exclude>

  • {- {{@BASE}} -}

    Ignore all tokens within {- -} expression and print them as they are.


<include [ if="{{ bool condition }}" ] href="{{ string subtemplate }}" [ with="{{ string additional_variables }}" ] />

Get contents of subtemplate and insert at current position in template [ if optional condition is true ].

The current data hive is passed to the subtemplate, enriched with additional_variables if provided (see here for examples).



Exclude text-block at runtime. Used for embedding comments in templates. An Alias for this is:

{* text-block *}



Display text-block as it is, without any interpretation/modification by the template engine.


<check if="{{ bool condition }}">

Evaluate condition. If TRUE, the true-block is rendered; else the false-block is rendered.

Short form: If you don't need and don't specify a false block, then, for your convenience, F3 makes the opening and closing tags for true optional:

<check if="{{ @debugmode && @showtrace }}"><code>{{ @showtrace }}</code></check>


<loop from="{{ statement }}" to="{{ bool expr }}" [ step="{{ statement }}" ]>

Evaluate from statement once. Check if the expression in the to attribute is TRUE, render text-block and evaluate step statement. Repeat iteration until to expression is FALSE.


<loop from="{{ @i=0 }}" to="{{ @i < count(@bar) }}" step="{{ @i++ }}">



<repeat group="{{ array @group|expr }}" [ key="{{ scalar @key }}" ] value="{{ mixed @value }}" [ counter="{{ scalar @key }}" ]>

Repeat text-block as many times as there are elements in the array variable @group or the expression expr. @key and @value function in the same manner as the key-value pair in the equivalent PHP foreach() statement. Variable represented by key in counter attribute increments by 1 with every iteration.


<switch expr="{{ scalar expr }}">
    <case value="{{ scalar @value|expr }}" break="{{ bool TRUE|FALSE }}">

Equivalent of the PHP switch-case jump table structure.


<!-- set some variables -->
<set foo="{{ 1+2 }}" bar="{{ @foo+3 }}" baz="xyz" />
<!-- set an array -->
<set myarray="{{ array('a','b','c') }}" />

Used to set some variables dynamically within the template.