
Jig Mapper

The Jig Object-Document-Mapper is an implementation of the abstract Active Record Cursor class. Have a look into it for additional method descriptions.

Namespace: \DB\Jig
File location: lib/db/jig/mapper.php


To use the Jig ODM, create a valid Jig DB Connection and follow this example:

$mapper = new \DB\Jig\Mapper(\DB\Jig $db, string $file);

If you'd like to create a model class, you might like to wrap it up:

$f3->set('DB',new DB\Jig('data/'));

class User extends \DB\Jig\Mapper {
    public function __construct() {
        parent::__construct( \Base::instance()->get('DB'), 'users.json' );

$user = new User();
$user->load(array('@_id = ?','515c570f28de6'));
// etc.
Definition: The primary key of Jig documents is named _id.



The $filter argument for Jig accepts the following structure:

// array value for parameterized queries
array( string $expr [, string $bindValue1 [, string $bindValue2 [, ...]]] )

The $expr part must contain a valid code expression, where all mapper fields are prefixed by a @-char. You can bind values to them with positional or named tokens. Here is an example:

// positional tokens
array('@username = ? and @password = ?','John','acbd18db4cc2f85cedef654fccc4a4d8')
// named tokens
array('@username = :user and @password = :pw',':user'=>'John',':pw'=>'acbd18db4cc2f85cedef654fccc4a4d8')

Important: Jig is a schema-less document mapper, so the fields of a document may vary from one record to another. To create a valid $expr string, keep in mind to add additional field existence checks to prevent running into weird undefined variable errors. Adding some checks for that can be achieved easiely by adding some isset conditions:

    '(isset(@username) && @username == ?) && (isset(@password) && @password = ?)',
Info: You can use all common comparison operators in your condition and a single = works too.

The best way to search in Jig is to use some preg_match conditions:

$userList = $user->find(array('(isset(@email) && preg_match(?,@email))','/gmail/'));
// returns all users with an email address that contains GMAIL

// ends with gmail.com => /gmail\.com$/
// starts with john  => /^john/

The equivalent of a SQL IN operator goes like this:


If your document uses an array field, i.e. tags, you can find all posts by tag with just switching the in_array parameters:

$post->find(array('isset(@tags) && in_array("fat-free",@tags)'));


The $option argument for Jig accepts the following structure:

	'order' => string $orderClause,
	'limit' => integer $limit,
	'offset' => integer $offset


	'order' => 'score SORT_DESC, team_name SORT_ASC',
	'limit' => 20,
	'offset' => 0



Return TRUE if the given field is defined

bool exists( string $key )


Assign a value to a field

scalar|FALSE set( string $key, scalar $val )

This class takes advantage of the Magic class and ArrayAccess interface. It means you can set and get variables with direct access like this:

$mapper->foo = 'bar';
$mapper['foo'] = 'bar';


Retrieve value of field

scalar|FALSE get( string $key )


Clear value of field

NULL clear( string $key )


Return field names of the mapper object

array fields( )


Return fields of the mapper object as an associative array

array cast( [ object $obj = NULL ] )


Convert tokens in string expression to variable names

string token( string $str )


Return records that match a given criteria

array|FALSE find( [ array $filter = NULL [, array $options = NULL [, int $ttl = 0 [, bool $log = TRUE ]]]] )


Count records that match a given criteria

int count( [ array $filter = NULL [, $ttl = 0 ]] )


Insert a new record

array insert( )


Update the current record

array update( )


Delete the current record

bool erase( [ array $filter = NULL ] )


Hydrate the mapper object using an array

NULL copyfrom( array | string $var [, callback $func = NULL ] )

This function allows you to hydrate the mapper using an array (or the name of a hive variable containing an array).

$func is the callback function to apply to the hive array variable:

if ($func)  $var = $func($var);


Populate hive array variable with mapper fields

NULL copyto( string $key )


Convert an array to a mapper object

protected object factory( string $id, array $row )

This protected method is used internally by the select method.