

The Image class offers a bunch of image processing features.

Namespace: \
File location: lib/image.php


$img = new Image ( [ string $file = NULL [, bool $flag = FALSE [, string $path = NULL ]]] )

You can create a new Image object from an existing image file like this:

$img = new Image('path/to/your/image.jpg'); // relative to UI search path

To create a new empty Image, i.e. for creating a captcha, just leave out the first $file argument:

$img = new Image();

The constructor also has a 2nd argument, the $flag option. Setting it to TRUE enables the file history, which can save additional states for the current file, allowing for example to revert to a specified state after having applied a filter.

If your image file is not located within one of the UI search paths, you must use the $path argument to specify its directory path. In particular, set $path='' if the provided file path is absolute.



Invert image



Adjust brightness

$img->brightness( int $level );

$level range: -255 to 255


Adjust contrast

$img->contrast( int $level );

$level range: -100 to 100


Convert to grayscale



Adjust smoothness

$img->smooth( int $level);

$level range: -8 to 8, but as its been used for a matrix operation, greater values are applyable too, but may lead to unusable results.


Emboss the image



Apply sepia effect



Pixelate the image

$img->pixelate( int $size );

$size is the block size of a pixel, usually range: 0 - 100


Blur the image using Gaussian filter

$img->blur( bool $selective );

Set $selective to TRUE to use a selective blur, otherwise a gaussian blur is used.


Apply sketch effect



Flip on horizontal axis



Flip on vertical axis



Crop the image

$img->crop( int $x1, int $y1, int $x2, int $y2);


Resize image (Maintain aspect ratio)

$img->resize( int $width, int $height [, bool $crop = TRUE [, bool $enlarge = TRUE ]] );

If $crop is TRUE the image will be resized to fit with its smallest side into the resize box. The overflowing margins will be cropped relative to the center, so your resulting image will fully cover your desired width and height values. If $crop is FALSE it will be resized to fit with its longest side into the resize box. If $enlarge is FALSE the image will not be scaled up to fit in the resize box.


Rotate image

$img->rotate( int $angle );


Apply an image overlay

$img->overlay( Image $img [, int|array $align = NULL [, int $alpha = 100 ]] );

This is used to merge to images, i.e. for watermarks. You need to provide another Image object and can align that by the $align argument in a bitwise way or provide an (x,y) array.


$img = new \Image;
$img = new \Image('images/south-park.jpg');

$overlay = new \Image('images/watermark.png');

$img->overlay( $overlay, \Image::POS_Right | \Image::POS_Middle );
// or
$img->overlay( $overlay, array(200,100), 60);

Possible values for $align can be combined using this options:

x - align:

  • POS_Left
  • POS_Center
  • POS_Right

y - align:

  • POS_Top
  • POS_Middle
  • POS_Bottom

or just use an array containing the x and y values.

Use the $alpha argument to control the transparency of the overlay (0-100).



Generate identicon

$img->identicon( string $str [, int $size = 64 [, int $blocks = 4 ]] );

This method renders a unique identicon based on the given $str. The $size argument defines the width and height of the resulting image. $blocks (range 2 - 7) describes the granularity of the pattern blocks inside the identicon.


Generate CAPTCHA image

$img->captcha( string $font [, int $size = 24 [, int $len = 5 [, string|bool $key = NULL [, string $path='' [, $foregroundcolor=0xFFF [, $backgroundcolor=0x000 ]]]]]] );

This renders a captcha image. Please have a look to this user guide section about rendering captcha images, to see a little example. If your font file is not located in the UI directory, you can then set its location with the $path argument.



Return image width



Return image height



Convert RGB hex triad to array

$img->rgb( 0xFF0033 ); // returns array( 255, 0, 51 );



Output a raw image stream to the HTTP client

$img->render( [ string $imageformat = 'png' ] );

This method sends the image stream to the HTTP client. The image can be rendered in png, jpeg, gif or wbmp format. If not specified, the PNG image format will be used. For instance this example will output a PNG image:

$img->render(); // Send a [Content-Type: image/png] stream to the HTTP client

Extra arguments are allowed, depending on the requested image format (cf. below).

NB: due to a bug, you have to set the second argument to NULL when passing extra arguments. This bug has been fixed in 3.6

PNG format (default)

$img->render( 'png', NULL [, int $quality [, int $filters ]] );

$quality indicates the compression level from 0 to 9. The default quality seems to be 6.

$filters allows reducing the PNG file size. It is a bitmask field which may be set to any combination of the following constants: PNG_FILTER_NONE, PNG_FILTER_SUB, PNG_FILTER_UP, PNG_FILTER_AVG, PNG_FILTER_PAETH. PNG_NO_FILTER or PNG_ALL_FILTERS may also be used to respectively disable or activate all filters.

JPEG format

$img->render( 'jpeg', NULL [, int $quality = 75 ] );

$quality ranges from 0 (worst quality, smaller file) to 100 (best quality, biggest file).

GIF format

$img->render( 'gif' );

WBMP format

$img->render( 'wbmp', NULL [, int $foreground ] );

You can set the foreground color with $foreground by setting an identifier obtained from imagecolorallocate(). The default foreground color is black.

NB: internally this method is a wrapper for the following native PHP methods:


Return image as a string


This method accepts the same arguments as the render() method above.

NB: due to a bug, you have to set the second argument to NULL when passing extra arguments. This bug has been fixed in 3.6

You can write the result of this method to a file:

$f3->write( '/path/to/file.png', $img->dump('png',NULL,9) );


The next methods only take effect when the $flag argument of the constructor was set to TRUE.


Save current state


This will create a new temporary image of the current state.


Revert to specified state

$img->restore( [ int $state = 1 ] );

This fetches the original image state from the temp folder.


Undo most recently applied filter
