The Geo plugin gives you a handful of location-based features.
Namespace: \Web
File location: lib/web/geo.php
Return class instance
$geo = \Web\Geo::instance();
The Geo class uses the Prefab factory wrapper, so you can grab the same instance of that class at any point of your code.
Returns information about specified Unix time zone
array tzinfo ( string $zone )
This method accepts any supported timezone strings and returns an array as follows:
array (size=5) :
- offset: The time zone offset measured relatively to GMT
- country: ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 country code as per PHP DateTimeZone::getLocation
- latitude: latitude as per PHP DateTimeZone::getLocation
- longitude: longitude as per PHP DateTimeZone::getLocation
- dst: A boolean flag that reflects daylight savings time adjustment
For example:
/** @var \Web\Geo $geo */
$geo = \Web\Geo::instance();
/* returns:
array (size=5)
'offset' => float 9.5
'country' => string 'AU' (length=2)
'latitude' => float -12.46667
'longitude' => float 130.83333
'dst' => boolean false
Return geolocation data based on a specified or auto-detected IP address
array|FALSE location ( [ string $ip = NULL] )
$geo = \Web\Geo::instance();
var_dump($geo->location()); // locate client IP
/* returns:
array (size=12)
'request' => string '' (length=10)
'credit' => string 'Some of the returned data includes GeoLite data created by MaxMind, available from <a href=\'http://www.maxmind.com\'>http://www.maxmind.com</a>.' (length=145)
'city' => string 'Lutry' (length=5)
'area_code' => string '0' (length=1)
'dma_code' => string '0' (length=1)
'country_code' => string 'CH' (length=2)
'country_name' => string 'Switzerland' (length=11)
'continent_code' => string 'EU' (length=2)
'latitude' => string '46.504902' (length=9)
'longitude' => string '6.6852' (length=6)
'region_code' => string '23' (length=2)
'region_name' => string '23' (length=2)
Return weather data based on specified latitude/longitude
array|FALSE weather ( float $latitude, float $longitude, string $key )
$geo = \Web\Geo::instance();
$loc = $geo->location(''); // locate specific IP
$key = 'SECRET'; // The API key
/* returns:
array (size=17)
'weatherCondition' => string 'n/a' (length=3)
'clouds' => string 'few clouds' (length=10)
'observation' => string 'ETHF 171620Z 33002KT 9999 FEW160 SCT210 05/00 Q1025 BLU+' (length=56)
'windDirection' => int 330
'ICAO' => string 'ETHF' (length=4)
'elevation' => int 181
'countryCode' => string 'DE' (length=2)
'cloudsCode' => string 'FEW' (length=3)
'lng' => float 9.2666666666667
'temperature' => string '5' (length=1)
'dewPoint' => string '0' (length=1)
'windSpeed' => string '02' (length=2)
'humidity' => int 70
'stationName' => string 'Fritzlar' (length=8)
'datetime' => string '2013-12-17 16:20:00' (length=19)
'lat' => float 51.116666666667
'hectoPascAltimeter' => int 1025