

The Audit class is a data validator.

Namespace: \
File location: lib/audit.php


Return class instance

$audit = \Audit::instance();

The Audit class uses the Prefab factory wrapper, so you can grab the same instance of that class at any point of your code.



Return TRUE if string is a valid URL

bool url ( string $str )

This function allows you to check if a given string is a valid URL.


$audit->url('http://fatfreeframework.com'); // returns TRUE


Return TRUE if string is a valid e-mail address; Check DNS MX records if specified

bool email ( string $str [ , boolean $mx = TRUE ] )

This function allows you to check if a given string is a valid e-mail address.

If $mx is set to TRUE and the e-mail address is valid, this function will check the DNS MX records as well.


$audit->email('[email protected]', FALSE); // returns TRUE
$audit->email('[email protected]', TRUE); // returns FALSE


Return TRUE if string is a valid IPV4 address

bool ipv4 ( string $addr )

This function allows you to check if a given IP is a valid IPV4 address.


$audit->ipv4(''); // returns TRUE


Return TRUE if string is a valid IPV6 address

bool ipv6 ( string $addr )

This function allows you to check if a given IP is a valid IPV6 address.


$audit->ipv6('2001:db8::1428:57ab'); // returns TRUE


Return TRUE if IP address is within private range

bool isprivate ( string $addr )

This function allows you to check if a given IP address is within a private range of addresses.


$audit->isprivate(''); // returns TRUE
$audit->isprivate(''); // returns FALSE


Return TRUE if IP address is within reserved range

bool isreserved ( string $addr )

This function allows you to check if a given IP address is within a reserved range of addresses.


$audit->isreserved(''); // returns TRUE
$audit->isreserved(''); // returns FALSE


Return TRUE if IP address is neither private nor reserved

bool ispublic ( string $addr )

This function allows you to check if a given IP address is neither private nor reserved.


$audit->ispublic('');  // returns FALSE
$audit->ispublic(''); // return TRUE


Return TRUE if the given user agent is a desktop browser

bool isdesktop ( [ string $agent = NULL ] )

This function allows you to check if a given user agent is a desktop browser.

If no user agent is given, the check is performed against the current user-agent: AGENT.


$audit->isdesktop(); // returns TRUE if the current user-agent is a desktop browser

$audit->isdesktop('Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) etc..'); // returns TRUE


Return TRUE if the given user agent is a mobile device

bool ismobile ( [ string $agent = NULL ] )

This function allows you to check if a given user agent is a mobile device.

If no user agent is given, the check is performed against the current user-agent: AGENT.


$audit->ismobile(); // returns TRUE if the current user-agent is a mobile device 

$audit->ismobile('Mozilla/5.0 (BlackBerry; U; BlackBerry 9900; en) etc..'); // returns TRUE


Return TRUE if the given user agent is a Web bot

If no user agent is given, the check is performed against the current user-agent: AGENT.

bool isbot ( [ string $agent = NULL ] )

This function allows you to check if a given user agent is a Web bot.


$audit->isbot(); // returns TRUE if the current user-agent is a Web bot.

$audit->isbot('Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1 etc..'); // returns TRUE


Return TRUE if specified ID has a valid (Luhn) Mod-10 check digit

bool mod10 ( string $id )

This function allows you to check if a specified ID has a valid (Luhn) Mod-10 check digit.


$audit->mod10('446667651'); // returns TRUE
$audit->mod10('123123123'); // returns FALSE


Return credit card type if number is valid

string|FALSE card ( string $id )

This function allows you to retrieve the type of a credit card if the given number is valid. Returns FALSE otherwise.

Returned values for possible credit card types are: 'American Express', 'Diners Club', 'Discover', 'JCB', 'MasterCard' & 'Visa'


echo $audit->card('343760667618602'); // displays 'American Express'


Return entropy estimate of a password (NIST 800-63)

int|float entropy ( string $str )

This function allows you to retrieve the entropy estimate of a given password as per NIST Special Publication 800-63.


$audit->entropy('sex'); // returns 8
$audit->entropy('secret'); // returns 14
$audit->entropy('password'); // returns 18
$audit->entropy('p4ss_w0rd'); // returns 19.5
$audit->entropy('dK2#!b846'); // returns 25.5